Sometimes, there are contradictions and tensions in the message when talking about ‘new innovation’ and ‘heritage’ in the same sentence, unless you are a marketeer and you use heritage as ‘the hook’ for selling a new innovation. I’m using the two separately in this post, but both will be complimentary
Kash for Klunkers
I was listening to a track by the rock band, The Yidz, called Kash for Klunkers. The title of the track (marked E for Explicit by the way) appealed to me, because the term ‘Klunker’ is used to describe an iconic part of mountain biking history. More of this later
Rapid Prototype
I think that the most exciting sounding jobs are those that are in the field of design and prototyping, which then (hopefully) realise an exciting and iconic product. In reality, most of these jobs are about failure, although with a fast learning curve. This is what I call ‘failing forward’,
What’s for pudding Mum?……..Stone?
To the non-geologically minded like me, the big rock that my bike is leaning against in the feature photo looks like a big piece of broken concrete. It certainly looks like it is full of the usual concrete ingredients like stones, and gravel, and sand and whatever else gets thrown
The Dracula ride and Friday 13th 2020
At the beginning of the year, I had decided to do a bike ride I’d often thought about, but hadn’t ever got round to doing anything about. The bike ride would be a coast ride, about 2 hours-ish in duration and would end up with a great meal with my
Oh Marin!….”Where were you while we were getting high?”
When Oasis wrote the lyric back in 1996 which I’ve used in the title to this post, I’m sure it wasn’t related to a bicycle, and the 2009 Marin Rift Zone I’m referring to certainly isn’t the stellar explosion ‘Champagne Supernova’ that the song was about. Some say, rightly or
Thunderbirds are Go!……..on ice tyres!
The first showing of the best all-time Sci-Fi TV programme (in my view), Thunderbirds, was in 1964, and the series ran up to 1966. Forget Star Wars, this was waaaaaaaay ahead of its time, and set 100 years later (2065-2067) than its production date. For young kids at the time,
The future of vintage bicycle sales and a spoof ‘Back to Black’ 1990s MTB review
Total new bicycle sales are increasing every year and in 2018, global sales were approximately $50bn, and the forecast for 2025 shows sales hitting $75.5bn. In addition, and over the last few years, about 100 million bikes have been produced every year. This means that there are a quite a
1991, Scott mountain bikes, and cake!
In an attempt to make a short story long, a scene setter journey back into 1991 is required first. Whether you were old enough to remember 1991 or if you arrived on the planet after, here’s a summary; The Gulf War kicked off, the dissolution of the Soviet Union took
Two Mountain Skivers and sex in a cable car.
Two riders on motorcycles head towards a ski town in the Swiss pre-Alp region, and pull into the (free) car park of the cable car station that runs throughout the year. It is a warm & dry August evening. At the point of arrival, the two riders have approximately 3