Two people meet at a party one summer evening in the middle of France somewhere, and in late June, 1975. They are dancing that evening to songs like ‘Jive Talking’ by The Bee Gees. They are having fun, fuelled by a couple of glasses of champagne. This means they are
Nice salami sir. Is that bicycle yours?
9 times out of 10, when you’re driving down the road in the Car, and one of the passengers spots something he/she/they want to stop and look at, either you’re going too fast to stop, there’s another car behind you, there’s nowhere to park or, you just can’t be arsed.
Born in a windmill and by the sea; The Punk-Bike
How can an example of the worlds most efficient form of human powered transport (the bicycle) be inspired by two cars, a classic motorcycle design, Easy Rider, The Black Keys, and an iconic bicycle sport category? Well, read on to find out…….. The man that made this Punk bike both
Brexcycle and…..Why are cycling things so different just because they are separated by 22 miles of channel?
Question: In addition to everything that is on the Brex-list that will be (maybe or eventually…) used to negotiate the North Sea Island of the UK out of Europe, what specifically does it mean for us British & European cyclists, and what are some of the differences that we managed
Applying organisation design principles to create your ideal shed or workshop
Organisation design, if practiced well, falls into the category of being an ‘industrial and commercial art’. The man that came up with a really practical model for organisation design was Jay Galbraith, and he came up with the Galbraith STAR model. I don’t know if Mr Galbraith ever built a